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Your Website project

Building Your Site
Web Site Optimization
Developing a Web Site
Developing a Business
Listing Your Site
Internet Marketing
Web strategies
Creating an Ebook
Building your Internet Web site

Congratulations! After much thought and consideration, you finally took the plunge and decided it was time to have your own web site.
That's a great accomp-
lishment in itself. However, now you're left with many daunting task -- selecting a quality webdesigner, web host, promotion. Selecting a good webdesigner is of the utmost importance. However, with all of the technical mumbo jumbo, knowing what to look for can be very intimidating to say the least. This is one the reasons why we propose to assist you in doing a quality web Site.

Building Your Site is our job If you're doing business on the internet, one of the most important aspects of your success is your web site. If your web site doesn't look professional, no matter what product you're offering, your chance of success will be minimal. We will assist you in building your web site. Web Site Optimization Web site optimization is the process of specifically designing your web page to rank high in the Search Engines. If you're serious about your business, optimizing your web pages is a must. We will assist you in optimizing your web pages.

Developing a Professional Web Site The Internet has opened a whole New World of opportunity for all of us. With the vast amount of information available at your fingertips, it has never been easier to communicate your message to the world. A web site will enable you to create your own home on the World Wide Web. Your home may be as simple or dynamic as you'd like and is only limited by your imagination. We will assist you in developing a professional web site.

Developing an Internet Business Developing a successful Internet business is the ultimate goal of the Internet entrepreneur. However, statistics show that most Internet businesses never make any real money. We will assist you in developing a success Internet business.

Listing Your Site Now that you've found a home for your new web site, what's next? Now, it's time to tell the world about your new site. We must register your site to be listed in the Search Engines, Directories and Announcement sites. Tips for listing your web site in the Search Engines & Directories.

In order to be successful online, whether you have a new web site, product or service, you must continuously promote it, EVERYWHERE. There are many ways you can go about promoting just about anything. You will be focusing on both online and offline promotion.

Internet Marketing
The Internet has opened a whole New World of opportunity for even the smallest home-based business owner. There are countless numbers of new self-made millionaires that achieved their newfound success on the Internet. These new millionaires are no different from you and I. They started their Internet businesses from the ground up, found a niche and built their success one day at a time. Learn a variety of powerful Internet marketing techniques used by the top professional online marketers. Creating a successful marketing plan will be the key to your success.

Internet Marketing Strategies
Developing a successful internet marketing strategy is an essential part of your online success. In order to succeed, you must develop and implement a strategic plan that includes all of the following: - A great product - A website specifically designed to sell - A killer marketing strategy Each step plays an important role in your overall strategy and must be developed to its fullest potential. If even one step fails, your chances of success will be minimal. This series will assist you in developing your strategies.

Web development strategies
A network is a group of points or locations interlinked with specific paths. A network can be computers, people, web sites, or anything that is linked together to form a group.
Remember the old adage, "There is power in number?" You can utilize this power by developing a network of locations all promoting your products or services. Web Sites Networking your web sites in one of the best marketing strategies you can use. The concept is simple. Develop several web sites promoting similar products, and link them all together. Let's say for example you have a web site that focuses on dogs and offers the following products: • Dog grooming course • Dog grooming supplies • Dog obedience training • Dog breeds guide • Dog show supplies Rather than using one general site to market all these products, develop five separate targeted sites and create a network. Your first step will be to register five separate domains, each targeting your products. Your domains might look something like this: doggroomingcourse.com doggroomingsupplies.com dogobediencetraining.com dogbreedsguide.com dogshowsupplies.com Selecting the right domain names is an essential part of developing your network. Your domain names should include your primary keyword phrase. A keyword phrase is two or more words that best describe your web page. However, selecting the right keyword phrases can be a bit difficult. Goodkeywords.com offers a free little software program that will assist you. Simply type in a keyword and the program will provide you with a list of additional keyword phrases. http://www.goodkeywords.com Each site within your network should be strategically optimized for the Search Engines and solely focus on your primary keyword phrase. For example, the dog grooming course site might provide visitors with free dog grooming tips, articles and advice. The dog grooming supplies site might provide visitors with tips on selecting a good grooming table, or tips on how to properly use clippers and scissors. All of the content within each network site must be completely targeted to each site. This in-turn will drive highly targeted traffic to each site. In addition, each site should also link to all the other sites. This can be accomplished by setting up a special link section within each site. Your link descriptions should be your primary keyword phrases: • Dog Grooming Course • Dog Grooming Supplies • Dog Obedience Training • Dog Breeds Guide • Dog Show Supplies To get the most out of your network, consider publishing a generalized ezine that targets your main keyword. In this example, dogs. You can then set up a subscription form on each site and collect new subscribers from each. Can you see how powerful a network can be? You're targeting several different keyword phrases, driving highly targeted traffic to each site, sharing the traffic with your other sites, and collecting email addresses from each. Networking is not exclusive to web sites. You can use this same technique to network all of the following: Products When marketing similar products, develop a network by promoting all of the products within each individual product. For example, within each of the above dog products, we would promote all of the other products. Free Ebooks Free ebooks offer a great way to promote your products. For example, each of the dog sites above could offer a different free ebook that provides tips, articles and advice that targets their specific audience. In addition, each of these ebooks should promote the sites and the other ebooks to create a network. Autoresponder Courses Autoresponder courses not only provide your visitors with great free content, but they also provide you with a great opportunity to promote your web sites and products. For example, the dog sites can each offer a different autoresponder course. Each of these courses should also promote the sites and the other courses. Affiliate Sites Just as you can network your own products and web sites, you can also network affiliate products that target your market. This technique involves registering a domain name for a handful of targeted affiliate programs, developing customized affiliate pages, and setting up your sites just as you would for your own products. Although this article provides some basic networking techniques, it's far from complete. Networking is one of the most powerful marketing strategies used on the Internet. Use your imagination and develop a networking plan for your business. It will be well worth your time and effort.

Free Content
A quality web site should contain at least some original content. Sites offering quality content will attract much more traffic than those that are just selling something. Give your visitors a reason to keep coming back. Continually add new content. In addition to using content to drive repeat traffic to your site, it can also be used to promote your web site products and services. We will assist you in developing content for your web site.

Creating an Ebook With today's advanced technology, it has never been any easier for anyone to self-publish their own ebook. What's more, you can create and market your own ebook (electronic book) for an unbelievably low price. Once you purchase an ebook compiler and create your ebook, you'll automatically have an entire stock of inventory on hand continuously. In addition, when you begin selling your ebook, you'll pocket nearly 100% of your profits for each sale.

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